How to get from Pulkovo airport to the centre of St Petersburg?

Pulkovo, the  airport of St Petersburg, is situated about  15  kilometers from the city centre. It has several terminals: Pulkovo 1, New Pulkovo 1 and Pulkovo2, but at the moment only the modern New Pulkovo 1 terminal is functioning and  serving both national and international flights.  There are several options to get from/to Pulkovo airport by public transport

Getting from airport to the center by City bus and metro

  You can easily get to the city center by buses that rub between New Pulkovo 1 terminal  and metro. Bus # 39 will deliver you from the airport to the nearest metro station – Moskovskaya. It runs from 05:30 in the morning till about 01:30 at night. Also there is a commercial bus number K39 that runs the same way.

Taxi to St Petersburg city center

The most expensive, but comfortable way to get from the airport to central St petersburg is to get a taxi. The rates wary, but generally it’s about 800-900 rubles to the center during daytime. Nevertheless, not official taxi drivers can charge you whatever their fantasy allows them.

For more information on transport in Saint-Petersburg read these posts:
How to get to Peterhof
Public transport in Saint-Petersburg
St Petersburg walking tours


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