How to get to Peterhof

There are several options to get to Peterhof   from Saint-Petersburg: hydrofoil, train or bus. Don’t forget that Peterhof fountains function only during the warm time of the year, usually from May to early October, exact dates are different  each year.


This is the easiest, but  the most expensive way to get to Peterhof as the  one-way ticket costs about 600-700 rubles  and about 1300 for a round-trip (exact rates may depend on the company). Boats depart from a small landing stage near the Hermitage (Winter Palace) on the Neva river, tickets are also sold there. The hydrofoil comes directly to the Lower park of Peterhof where the fountains are situated. Price of hydrofoil tickets doesn’t include entrance to the park. Important note: It’s difficult to visit the Upper park of Peterhof if you want to make a return trip by hydrofoil as once you leave the Lower park you can’t re-enter the Upper park with the same tickets and boats come to/leave from the Lower Park only.  The journey from Saint-Petersburg takes about 35 minutes, boats run during the warm season only (approximately from May to September, exact dates wary). And they may not operate if there is a risk of a coast warning.

Getting to Peterhof by bus

In my opinion, the most reasonable  way to get to Peterhof is to take a bus , at least for the return trip.

From Avtovo metro station: commercial “marshrutka” buses  № 224, № 300, №424, № 424-А;  You can also take  public buses №200, №210

Commercial bus # 404 runs from Baltiyskiy train station (on Baltiyskaya metro station)

From Prospekt Veteranov metro station: commercial buses № 343, № 639-б

Don’t forget to warn the driver (or passangers) that you want to exit next to the fountains ( say Peterhof, fontany)

Train to Peterhof

Train is the most complicated option. Take a train from Baltiyskiy train station (on Baltiyskaya metro station) to Noviy Peterhof (Новый Петергоф). These trains leave in the directions of Kalishe (Калище), Oranienbaum (Ораниембаум) or Krasnoflotsk (Краснофлотск). The ride takes approximately 45 minutes. Once in Noviy Peterhof, take buses № 344, 348, 350, 351, 352,355, 356, warn someone that you want to exit by the palace (ask for Fontany or Dvorets ( fountains or palace)
All in all, I would recommend buses or hydrofoil + bus combination.

Private tours to Peterhof -classical and off the beaten track experience
How to get to Tsarskoe Selo (Catherine palace)


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