Pavlovsk palace and park

Pavlovsk palace in winter

Pavlovsk palace in winterPavlovsk, a former royal residence situated 32 kilometers south of Saint-Petersburg, is the favorite weekend destination for many citizens.  Families enjoy walking in its huge park in summer and ski or sledge there  during the cold season, while art lovers marvel at the harmonious classical interiors of Pavlovsk  palace that once belonged to the son of Russian empress Catherine the Great,  future emperor Pavel I.

pavlovsk palace bedroomIn 1777 Catherine II gave this land to her son Pavel and in 1780-s a summer palace for him was constructed here to the design by Charles Cameron. The palace in Pavlovsk  built in neoclassical style and although it doesn’t strike you with carvings and abundance of gold as baroque  palaces in Tsarskoe Selo or Peterhof do, the interiors are charming .

Pavlovsk park in winterThe Great palace in Pavlovsk  is surrounded by a landscape park that occupies approximately 600 hectares. This area is decorated with statues and picturesque pavilions which look very natural in the landscape. In winter time many Russians ski or sledge on the banks of the river that  flows through the park, while tourists can enjoy a “troika” ride, and  in summer it’s very pleasant to have a picnic in the shade of old trees.

Pavlovsk visiting information:

The palace in Pavlovsk is open from 10 to 18:00, last admission at 17:00. Open daily except Fridays, the first Monday of  each month is a cleanup day.

How to get to Pavlovsk

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