Catherine palace tour

A tour of the Catherine palace near St Petersburg, the stunning former summer residence of russian tsars and home to the famous Amber room, is a “must do” for the majority of tourists . The palace is situated in Tsarskoe Selo, a small town about 30 km from St Petersburg.  During the tour  of the Catherine palace you will see the stunning palace interiors and will take a walk in the picturesque park. Please note that a visit to Pavlovsk palace or Peterhof can be includede into the tour.

Advantages of our Catherine palace tour:

  • Skip the line entry to the museum – we book tickets in advance.
  • We can do to the Catherine palace tour by public transport (which is really cheap) or by private car.  Private car is a must for cruise ship passengers and is highly recommended for parties with children and groups of 4+ people.
  • If you choose public transport, we stay in Tsarskoe Selo as long as you wish, no need to hurry back after only half an hour of “free” time.
  • We take a walk in the gardens of the Catherine palace as well.
  • It’s a private tour. That means your company, your pace and your own guide.
  • A tour of Pavlovsk palace can be added to the tour (in that case a car is needed)

tours of the Catherine palaceTour details:

Meeting point: the guide meets you at your hotel

Duration:Normally a tour of the Catherine palace and park takes about 5-6 hours ( by public  transport including transportation time from St Petersburg) depending on your pace and the  weather. If you use a car, the tour takes  5 hours. 
Daily except Tuesdays. The last Monday  of each month is a sanitary day 
Russian visa. It can be customized as a visa-free shore excursion, please contact us for details.
Payment and cancellation: Payment  after the tour. Tickets to the Catherine palace can’t be refunded later than 1 month before the date of the tour, so if you cancel later, you will have to pay us for them.

Catherine palace tour price: October to April (museum tickets and public transportation costs included)

№ of people in a group123456>6
Price per group,
rub / (USD)
by public transport
6 000 rub
(110 USD)
7 500 rub
(140 USD)
9 500 rub
(170 USD)
11 000 rub
(200 USD)
12 500 rub
(230 USD)
13 800 rub
(250 USD)
upon agreement
Price per group,
rub/ (USD)
by private car
9 500 rub
(170 USD)
10 500 rub
(190 USD)
13 000 rub
(240 USD)
14 500 rub
(260 USD)
15 500 rub
(280 USD)
17 300 rub
(315 USD)
upon agreement

Catherine palace excursion price: May to September (museum tickets and public transportation costs included)

# of people in a group123456>6
Price per group,
rubles/ (USD),
public transport
8000 rub
(145 USD)
10 500 rub
(190 USD)
13 000 rub
(230 USD)
16 000 rub
(300 USD)
17 500 rub
(325 USD)
19 600 rub
(360 USD)
upon agreement
Price per group,
rub/ (USD)
by private car
10 500 rub
(190 USD)
12 900 rub
(235 USD)
15 700 rub
(285 USD)
18 500 rub
(335 USD)
20 500 rub
(370 USD)
22 000 rub
( 400 USD)
upon agreement

If you consider taking Catherine palace tour from May to September, please try to book it   beforehand because tickets to the Catherine palace are extremely popular during that period and only a limited number of them is available.

Other tours: city tours, Hermitage tour, list of tours of St Petersburg

Interested in our tours or you want to have a customized tour ? Please contact us: